Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ronald McDonald House Benefit

I'm really not trying to give Anne a big head but once again, I owe her kudos for this weekend's plans as well.  (Hey girl, what am I doing next weekend??)  This weekend was the first Ronald McDonald House benefit that was thrown by our Resident Spouse Association (which Anne happens to be in charge of social events, and thus largely responsible for pulling off this shebang.).  Basically, we wanted an opportunity to wear fancy dresses and dance to a band and eat yummy little finger foods -  once you outgrow sorority formals and most of your friends are married off, you have to create your own events for these pursuits.  Although it is always best if you can spend another organization's money to do it...and then raise money for charity at the same time.  Win!

(I also failed to take any pictures once we there so I am unapologetically borrowing these off our RSA website.)

It was a super fun night, fancy dresses, great band, finger foods and the likes.  Our friend Rebecca's brother-in-law was the music of the evening and he was great - one of those bands that could go from playing a Michael Buble song to a Ke$ha song and make both dance floor worthy.  Yes, Ke$ha.  (In fact, I think I might have liked their version of Tik Tok better.)
And we raised some money for a great cause...hopefully this is an annual benefit and hopefully I'll find a way to swindle myself an invite even though I will no longer be a resident's spouse anymore! (Woohoo!)

My only two pictures are off my phone… showing off my dress that I love which was actually a bridesmaid dress from Pam’s wedding in 2009 and the other is with my husband date, the resident portion of Resident Spouse Association.



A Glenn said...

Dang, you were supposed to take more pictures so that I could write a blog post that had more pictures! I posted all of mine online, so you can see I only had ones from before anyone got there. That, and after party shots, but no one wants to see those.

k. said...

Look how pretty & perfect you look! Love the dress, love the hair, love your almost invisible bump. Perfection.