Buddy & Layla. The stress of having to share.
Case in point? As noted in my prior blog, I've been spending a great deal of time in one particular room of the house. If I'm not intentional about latching the door all the way, it isn't long before a little paw comes and swings the door wide open. If I do shut it, I can pretty much guarantee on tripping over his curled up body as soon as I walk out. I get up frequently during the night to use the bathroom when I'm flaring, and I usually check to make sure Buddy's sleeping soundly in his corner of the living room as I pass through. Tonight, I got up and saw no signs of Buddy. I was a little perplexed until I rounded the corner to find him curled up, sound asleep, right in front of the bathroom door.
Dog knows where his momma gon' be.
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