Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snow Place Like Home

We had our first snow fall of the year! It started Saturday night, and the snow actually stuck around Sunday to make it really feel like a winter wonderland.

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You’d think after 18 years of living in upstate New York, snow wouldn’t really phase me anymore but since we only get it a real snow fall maybe three times a year here, it’s always pretty exciting. When you don’t have snow all the time, the few times it shows up you still get that magical, hushed world feeling like a little kid as opposed to the grown up version of snow which is just being annoyed at how winter weather makes traffic bad, cars salty and hems of jeans permanently ruined. I drove around Sunday running some errands and felt a teensy bit homesick seeing the snow covered trees and thinking about not going up to Rochester this year or Utah for New Years and getting my real snow fix.

Saturday night we put a big dent in our Christmas decorating, which of course includes testing all of last year’s lights to see if they work. Buddy is good at that. I just love the way our house looks at Christmas time. There’s nothing like the glow of twinkly lights and the fireplace flickering. I remember sitting on the couch one night last year during our big snowfall and looking around at my glowing, warm home and having it really sink in that this is our home. When you’re in your 20s, it feels like you move every single year. I haven’t had the same address for more than 18 months since leaving Guilford Way on August 21st, 2000. It hit me last year, in my Christmasy home, that we bought this house and it’s ours. Provided the job hunting gods are good to Dr. C next year and no other unforeseen circumstances arise, I can go ahead and order the large roll of return address labels. That’s a good feeling. After all, there’s no place like home for the holidays and we’re fortunate enough to be about to spend our second Christmas in our home. With this little guy. Merry Christmas to us.



Lindsay Collins said...

Happy Holidays! I love that feeling of "we're a little family, this is our home" that you experienced and wrote about. It just hit me this year, too.

Dog Hair in my Coffee said...

It IS good when you finally realize you are HOME. Home is warm and safe and happy. And has twinkly lights. Nice post. And gorgeous pic of the Budster... when I get back to school (and therefore have a printer) that picture will join the one of Buddy Burrito on my bulletin board. Hugs to all of you; kisses to his little puppy nose.